Birthday Gallery Page Seven
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Mfg. Unknown
Printed in Germany
Marked No. 540
Circa: 1944
Embossed, Gold Leafed Postcard, with a Folding Card attached is adorned with an Appliquéd Velvet Rose and reads: "Birthday Greetings"  The inside reads: "As the swallows bring their message, Across long miles of sea, So let me whisper, dear one, I am thinking much of thee."
 Birthday Card
Mfg. Unknown
Circa: Postmarked May 11, 1922
Heavily Embossed Postcard with Flat Back reads: "A Happy Birthday"
B. B. London B. B. London
Mfg. B. B. London
Series No. B. 522
Printed in Germany
Circa: Postmarked July 28, 1914
Embossed, Gold Leafed Postcard with a Folding Card attached which is held together with a Pink String is also adorned with Rainbow Colored Scraps reads: "Greetings With all Good Wishes ~ A Birthday Greeting."  The inside reads: "And constant hearts and Kind shall love you well." ~ "Sincerest wishes for a happy Birthday" 

Mfg. Unknown
Circa: Late 1800
This small Card is printed on a Heavy Cardboard and the Flowers are Hand Painted. The Horseshoe and the Text and Raised Gold Leaf.  The card reads: "A Happy Birthday to you."
Louis Prang Birthday Card
Mfg. Louis Prang & Co.
Copyright 1878
Circa: Inscribed October 8, 1887
Silver Leafed Postcard reads: "Many Happy Returns of your Birthday!  Though Winter born thou cam'st to take things of earth a part, May Summer ever be with thee, -the sunshine of the heart!"
B. B. London
Mfg. B. B. London
Printed in Saxony
Series No. D. 19.
Circa: Early 1900
Embossed, Gold Leafed Postcard reads: "To Greet You on Your Birthday" 

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